The Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method (UMAM) determines the amount of mitigation necessary to offset proposed impacts to wetlands and surface waters as part of an environmental or wetland resource permit application. The method incorporates several considerations to determine the value of functions provided by impact and mitigation sites, including current condition, hydrologic connection, uniqueness, location, fish and wildlife utilization, time lag, and mitigation risk. The assessment method consists of a multi-part approach that includes qualitative characterization, quantitative assessment, gain adjustment, time lag and risk assessment, and functional gain or loss determination. The method is designed to be used in any impact site or mitigation site in any geographic region of the state and can be obtained from the reviewing agency identified in the Environmental Resource Permit Applicant’s Handbook Volume I.


  • UMAM (Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method) Training Manual (
  • Chapter 62-345: Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method Training PowerPoint (
  • Forms of the Environmental Resource Permitting, State 404 Permitting, and Submerged Lands Programs | Florida Department of Environmental Protection
  • Wetland Delineation and UMAM Resources | Florida Department of Environmental Protection
  • 62-345 : UNIFORM MITIGATION ASSESSMENT METHOD – Florida Administrative Rules, Law, Code, Register – FAC, FAR, eRulemaking (