A local real estate agent was facing a daunting challenge with one of their international clients who needed to locate specific properties in the Central Florida area. They were struggling to identify the right properties and secure the deal due to a lack of accurate and reliable information. That’s when they turned to Clearview Geographic for help.

Our team of GIS experts quickly got to work and acquired the target parcel list. Through careful analysis and extensive research, we were able to provide the necessary information to the real estate agent and their international client. We worked closely with the real estate agent to ensure that we understood their needs and provided a solution that was tailored to their specific requirements.

Our efforts paid off and we were able to help the real estate agent and their international client secure the deal. The project was a great success and we received positive feedback from our client.

At Clearview Geographic, we understand the importance of accurate and reliable information in the real estate industry. Our team of GIS experts has the experience and expertise to help you overcome any challenge and find the right properties for your clients.