FWC’s Imperiled Species Management Plan

The FWC approved the Imperiled Species Management Plan (ISMP) in 2016 to conserve or improve the status of 60 threatened species in Florida with the help of partners and stakeholders. The ISMP includes several components such as Species Action Plans, Species Conservation Measures and Permitting Guidelines, and policies to streamline conservation efforts. The plan represents a collaborative effort to reduce the risk of extinction for threatened species in the state.

Species Action Plans

Species Action Plans are developed to conserve threatened species by describing the necessary conservation actions to reduce known threats and improve habitats. These plans are developed through collaboration between FWC staff and stakeholders, and are based on Biological Status Review Reports. The implementation of Species Action Plans is ongoing and involves the efforts of both FWC and partners. Species Conservation Measures and Permitting Guidelines accompany these plans and provide species-specific information on conservation practices, strategies to avoid taking of species, and permitting options when necessary.

Species Conservation Measures and Permitting Guidelines

The Imperiled Species Management Plan of Florida includes developing Species Conservation Measures and Permitting Guidelines for all species. The guidelines will be completed by 2024, and stakeholders can provide written comments on them to Imperiled@myfwc.com during public comment periods. The guidelines will provide information on take permitting requirements, species range, survey methodology, and recommended practices. Species Action Plans accompany the guidelines and outline specific actions for conservation and recovery efforts.

Additional Resources

  • Imperiled Species Management Plan | FWC (myfwc.com)
  • Species Action Plans | FWC (myfwc.com)
  • Species Conservation Measures and Permitting Guidelines | FWC (myfwc.com)