The American Flood Coalition has launched the Flood Funding Finder – an interactive website that simplifies the complex federal grants system to help small communities identify and prioritize opportunities to fund flood resilience. This tool is invaluable for communities looking to fund vulnerability assessments, adaptation plans, or cover construction costs associated with flood mitigation systems.

The Flood Funding Finder has compiled various programs that offer funding opportunities for small communities seeking to mitigate flood risk. These programs include the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Program, Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery, and many others.

By using this tool, communities can explore all the available programs and identify which ones are best suited for their unique needs. For example, the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program provides funding for long-term solutions that reduce or eliminate risk to people and property from natural disasters, while the Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs offer funding for disaster relief and long-term economic recovery.

Maximizing flood resilience is critical for small communities, and federal funding can help them achieve this goal. With the Flood Funding Finder, communities can easily navigate the complex federal grants system and find the funding they need to minimize flood risk. Visit the American Flood Coalition’s website to learn more about the Flood Funding Finder and explore the available funding programs.

View the: Flood Funding Finder on the American Flood Coalition’s website.