Revolutionizing Environmental Stewardship
Clearview Geographic partnered with Imagine Our Florida, a nonprofit organization committed to promoting environmental stewardship and coexistence with wildlife in Florida. As a member of Imagine Our Florida’s Board of Directors, Clearview Geographic’s Alex Zelenski was instrumental to providing scientific support and developing several applications to communicate critical aspects of Florida ecology.
If you would like to learn more about any of the following projects, please reach out to our executive team:
- Florida’s Wetland Environment Web App – This detailed map application shows the complexity of Florida’s water-dependent environment by highlighting springs, lakes, rivers, streams, canal networks, and wetland areas. While this resource does not replace field wetland delineations, it provides a great overview of hydric ecosystems across the state’s landscape!
- Lightning & Forest Fires in Florida Web App – This map application showed real-time lightning data, a heat map of past lightning-caused forest fires, and remaining long-leaf pine ecosystems and was developed to support educational programming discussing the importance of lightning-caused forest fires to Florida’s pyrogenic ecosystems.
- Florida Black Bear Sightings Dashboard – Two web applications were created to facilitate a deeper insight of over fifty thousand public reports of bear sightings around the state of Florida, providing statistics about the types of sightings, such as a bear walking through a neighborhood, reported rummaging through a trash can or causing property damage, etc.…
- 2015 Bear Hunt Analysis Dashboard – This dashboard visually summarized the loss of 304 bears reported in Florida during the 2015 hunting season. With this utility, anyone can easily understand where bears were lost and learn more about the size, weight, and sex of the bears taken as well as information about how the bears were killed.
- Seminole High School PSI Program – Weikwa Springs Scavenger Hunt
- Get Outside Discovery Center
- Geographic Reach Visualization
- Coastal Areas Experience Hypoxia and Eutrophication – This map shows the severity of nutrient pollution affecting many coastal areas around the globe in 2011.
- 2018 Black Bear Sponsor